Home>Scouts>Programme>Writer Proficiency Badge

Complete any four requirements from those below, discussing the choice with an appropriate adult:

  1. Compose a poem of at least eight lines and discuss its meaning and construction.
  2. Create a short story of around 600 words around an idea agreed with an appropriate adult beforehand.
  3. Write a descriptive passage of around 600 words on a subject agreed with an appropriate adult beforehand.
  4. Write a 400-word review of a favourite book, play or other work of literature and discuss this with an appropriate adult.
  5. Produce a published article of around 500 words in length. This could be in the form of a contribution to a school, faith community or Scout magazine or a letter to a local paper.
  6. Keep a diary on a subject and for a length of time agreed with an appropriate adult beforehand.
  7. Write a play or dramatic sketch lasting at least 10 minutes.
  8. Interview a local celebrity, or other interesting person. Write or type out the interview to show the questions you asked and the interviewee's replies.
  9. Write a letter to a pen pal (real or imaginary) of at least 150 words.
  10. Read a piece of your work in front of an audience.

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