Complete one of the following requirements:
- Qualify for the equivalent of the Watermanship Proficiency Award of the Amateur Rowing
- Qualify for the equivalent of the Snorkel Diver Award of the British Sub-aqua Club.
- Qualify for the equivalent of the British Surfing Association's Junior Scheme Level 3
- Qualify for the equivalent of the Bronze Grade of the British Water Ski Federation.
- Qualify for the equivalent of the Royal Yachting Association National Windsurfing Scheme
Level 1.
- Qualify for the equivalent of the Discover Scuba Diving Award of the Professional Association
of Diving Instructors.
Headquarters can provide alternative requirements for water sports not listed in the above.
A Scout can gain more than one Badge.
Reference should be made to the Activity Rules in chapter nine of Policy Organisation and Rules and
the Adventurous Activity Permit Scheme.