Home>Scouts>Programme>Water Sports Proficiency Badge
Water Sports
Water Sports

Complete one of the following requirements:

  1. Qualify for the equivalent of the Watermanship Proficiency Award of the Amateur Rowing Association.
  2. Qualify for the equivalent of the Snorkel Diver Award of the British Sub-aqua Club.
  3. Qualify for the equivalent of the British Surfing Association's Junior Scheme Level 3 Award.
  4. Qualify for the equivalent of the Bronze Grade of the British Water Ski Federation.
  5. Qualify for the equivalent of the Royal Yachting Association National Windsurfing Scheme Level 1.
  6. Qualify for the equivalent of the Discover Scuba Diving Award of the Professional Association of Diving Instructors.


Headquarters can provide alternative requirements for water sports not listed in the above.

A Scout can gain more than one Badge.

Reference should be made to the Activity Rules in chapter nine of Policy Organisation and Rules and the Adventurous Activity Permit Scheme.


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