Complete the requirements below:
- Hold the Camper Badge.
- Have worked for at least two days at a permanent District, County/Area or National Scout campsite
or similar Activity Centre, helping the Warden or Manager to their satisfaction.
- Explain and where possible demonstrate the maintenance required for some campsite equipment.
- Explain and where possible demonstrate four of the following:
- The reasons for having clean toilets.
- How to unblock a drain.
- Prevention of frozen pipes and the steps to be taken when over ground pipes burst or leak.
- The need for good site drainage and clear ditches.
- Refuse disposal, including how to maximise the retention of recyclable materials.
- Respect for wildlife, balancing the requirements of campers.
- The use of computers in campsite management.
- Other important tasks as identified by the Warden or Manager.
- Become familiar with an activity run on site. Explain the use and maintenance of equipment used for
that activity.
- Demonstrate an ability to competently use three items of equipment appropriate to your role.
- Discuss developments and improvements you would like to see at a permanent campsite with which you
are familiar.