Home>Scouts>Programme>Administrator Proficiency Badge

Complete the requirements below:

  1. Choose one of these activities:
    1. Type 200 words using a word processor or desktop publisher, ensuring that there are no mistakes before printing it out.
    2. Write 100 words of prose in a good legible hand.
  2. Show a general knowledge of the administrative arrangements in a Scout Group. This should include the key roles and responsibilities of the Group Scout Leader, or of the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer of the Group Executive Committee.
  3. Know how a personal bank account operates.
  4. After consultation with a member of the Leadership Team, draft a letter on an agreed subject and share this with this person.
  5. Draft an invitation card for members of the public in connection with a Group, Troop or Patrol event. Share this with a member of the Leadership Team.
  6. Choose one of these activities:
    1. Prepare a press release on a Group, Troop or Patrol event.
    2. Write an article for a magazine/newsletter reporting a Group, Troop or Patrol event.
  7. Carry out the duties of secretary of a committee (this could be a Troop Forum, school club or council etc). These should include taking of minutes/action points, duplication and circulation.

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